Sunday Sermons
29.09.2024_Sebastian_Genesis 22:1-19.mp3 - Unconditional trust in God's care
22.09.2024_PastorJosiah_Psalm 13.mp3 - Sermon Series on Prayer: The prayer af lamentation
08.09.2024_PastorJosiah_John 14:14/ James 5:15.mp3 - Sermon Series on Prayer: Does prayer actually work?
01.09.2024_PastorJosiah_Daniel 9.mp3 - Sermon Series on Prayer: Daniel's prayer of repentance
25.08.2024_PastorJosiah_Daniel 6.mp3 - Sermon Series on Prayer: Daniel in the lions' den
18.08.2024_PastorJosiah.mp3 - Sermon Series on Prayer: What is Prayer?
11.08.2024_PastorJosiah_Matthew 6:9-13.mp3 - Sermon Series on Prayer: The Lord's Prayer
04.08.2024_PastorJosiah.mp3 - The nature and necessity of mission
14.07.2024_Martin_2.Genesis 16:2-18.mp3 - Jesus satisfies your soul
30.06.2024_Josiah.mp3 - Sermon series on finances: Giving as worship and for the pleasant scent of God
23.06.2024_Martin_Matthew 25:14-29.mp3 - Sermon series on finances: Confidence in God versus Self-Efficacy
16.06.2024_PastorJosiah.mp3 - Sermon series on finances: Should we Tithe to the Church?
09.06.2024_PastorJosiah_Matthew 6:31-33.mp3 - Sermon series on finances: Do we seek God or his blessings?
02.06.2024_PastorJosiah_1.Corinthians 12.mp3 - gifted and called
26.05.2024_Uli_Matthew 7:24-27.mp3 - Get ready for the storm
12.05.2024_PastorJosiah_Exodus 2:10.mp3 - Mother's Day
05.05.2024_PastorJosiah_Matthew 28:16-20.mp3 - Ascension Day and Father's Day
28.04.2024_Doyle.mp3 - Purpose of suffering
21.04.2024_PastorJosiah_2Timothy 3:15-17.mp3 - How do we read the Bible
14.04.2024_PastroJosiah_Matthew 7:21-23.mp3 - How do I enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
07.04.2024_PastorJosiah_Calling.mp3 - Four types of calling
31.03.2024_PastorCho_John 1:1-2.mp3 - Jesus Himself ist God
24.03.2024_PastorJosiah_Luke 19:37-40.mp3 - The King is Coming
17.03.2024_PastorKim_Daniel 3:19-23.mp3 - The fruits of obedient discipleship
10.03.2024_PastorJosiah_Judges 6:25-32.mp3 - God Tests Us
03.03.2024_PastorCho_Acts 11,19-26 - Foundation of Church in Antioch
25.02.2024_PastorCho_Ephesians 1,17-19.mp3 - Visions come from God
18.02.2024_Isaak.mp3 - Receiving a calling
11.02.2024_Chris_Johannes 2,1-9.mp3 - Be filled with the holy spirit
04.02.2024_PastorJosiah_Judges 6,11-16.mp3 - The gift of vocation
28.01.2024_PastorCho_Deuteronomy18,15-20.mp3 - Jesus, the true prophet
21.01.2024_Elia_Proverbs11,30.mp3 - Not perpetrator, not victim, but disciple
14.01.2024_PastorJosiah_1Peter2,9.mp3 - Identity from God enables you
07.01.2024_PastorJosiah_Johannes15,4.8.16.mp3 - Deepened relationship with God through obedience in vocation
31.12.2023_PastorCho_.mp3 - About elders
17.12.2023_Sebastian.mp3 - The Redeemer from Bethlehem
26.11.2023_PastorJosiah_Genesis 32,23-33.mp3 - Identity from the encounter with God
19.11.2023_PastorCho_Matthew 20,1-16.mp3 - Deserved reward or gift of grace?
12.11.2023_Awet_Ephesians 2,11-22.mp3 - Peace, unity and closeness to God through Jesus Christ
05.11.2023_PastorCho_2.Corinthians 12,7-10.mp3 - Meeting God in suffering
29.10.2023_PastorJosiah_Genesis 28,12-22.mp3 - God's light in our darkness
22.10.2023_PastorCho_Matthew 4,1-11 - The secret of victory over temptation
15.10.2023_Isaak_1Peter 3,9.mp3 - We are appointed to bless!
08.10.2023_PastorCho_1Corinthians 1,18-25.mp3 - Do you know the message of the cross?
01.10.2023_PastorCho_Acts 2,22-36.mp3 - Three focal points of the work of Jesus Christ
24.09.2023_PastorCho_Romans 4,1-8.mp3 - Examples of faith from Abraham and David
17.09.2023_PastorCho_Genesis 22,6-14.mp3 - The best test
10.09.2023_PastorCho_Acts 4,12-21.mp3 - Salvation is in no one else!
03.09.2023_PastorCho_Johannes1 15,9-27.mp3 - Remain in Jesus' love!
27.08.2023_PastorCho_John 15,1-8.mp3 - The miracle of fruitfulness
20.08.2023_PastorCho_1.Peter 1,3-12.mp3 - Living hope
13.08.2023_PastorCho_John 6,37-40.mp3 - All the people my Father gave me will come to me
06.08.2023_PastorCho_Romans 6,6-11.mp3 - The life of the believers, who are connected with God
16.07.2023_PastorCho_Genesis 20,1-18.mp3 - Our weakness and God's grace
09.07.2023_PastorCho_Romans 5,12-21 - Do I belong to Adam or Christ?
02.07.2023_PastorCho_1 Thessalonians 5,23-24.mp3 - Through God's peace we are sanctified and preserved
25.06.2023_PastorCho_Matthew 16,13-18.mp3 - What is the church of Jesus?
11.06.2023_PastorCho_2Corinthians 4,7-10.mp3 - Weakness or treasure in a fragile vessel
04.06.2023_PastorChae_Luke 15,20-24.mp3 - The Parable of the Loving Father and the Prodigal Son
21.05.2023_PastorChae_Luke 15,1-2.mp3 - God's heart and the Prodigal Son who was forgiven
14.05.2023_Isaak_1Corinthians 8.mp3 - Our love, knowledge and conscience in the community
07.05.2023_PastorCho_Luke 14,15-24.mp3 - Come! Everything is prepared.
30.04.2023-pastorcho-matthew16_15-18.mp3 - The church established by God's plan
16.04.2023-pastorwill-1sam17_40.41.mp3 - Victorious by faith, philippine mission
09.04.2023-pastorcho-john20_19-29.mp3 - Peace be with you!
02.04.2023-pastorcho-john19_27-38.mp3 - Jesus' crucifixion and death
26.03.2023-pastorcho-romans3_23-28.mp3 - Christ took our punishment upon himself
19.03.2023-doyle-john9_1-3.mp3 - From blindness to worship
12.03.2023-pastorcho-matthew21_18-22.mp3 - Fruitful Faith
05.03.2023-stephan-romans5_17.mp3 - Reign in life through Jesus Christ!
25.02.2023-martin-matthew9_9-13.mp3 - Jesus wants you!
19.02.2023-ibukun-mark3_13-19.mp3 - Are you a Thomas?
12.02.2023-solly-mathew28_16-20 - The urgency of mission
05.02.2023-reinhold-psalm126_5-6.mp3 - Who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy
27.03.2022-pastorcho-1korinther9_16-23.mp3 - Woe me, if I don't preach the Gospel!
20.03.2022-pastorcho-isaiah61_1-11.mp3 - In the grace bus of Christ
06.02.2022-pastorcho-lukas4_16-21.mp3 - He has sent me to proclaim the truth
23.01.2022-pastorcho-luke15_11-25.mp3 - Let us turn back to our father
16.01.2022-pastorcho-johannes20_26-29.mp3 - A blessed and happy person
09.01.2022-pastorcho-2.korinther5_1-9.mp3 - A church that pleases the Lord
02.01.2022-pastorcho-1mose35_1-8.mp3 - Throw away all the gods!
19.12.2021-pastorcho-luke2_1-7.mp3 - The circumstances of the birth of Jesus
12.12.2021-pastorcho-mathew1_18-25.mp3 - The Birth of Jesus
28.11.2021-pastorcho-mathew9_35-38.mp3 - Jesus taught, evangelised and healed
31.10.2021-pastorcho-genesis17_1-6.mp3 - New name: Abraham
24.10.2021-pastorcho-mark4_35-41.mp3 - Jesus Lord over storm and waves
03.10.2021-pastorcho-1korinther3_8-15.mp3 - Everyone will receive the reward for his work
26.09.2021-pastorcho-mark9_17-24.mp3 - Everything is possible for he who believes
12.09.2021-pastorcho-mathew16_13-19.mp3 - What is the church?
05.09.2021-pastorcho-matthew17_1-18.mp3 - Carry the glorious image of Christ
18.07.2021-pastorcho-roemer9_1-13.mp3 - Pray for our people
11.07.2021-pastorcho-epheser6_11-17.mp3 - Power for the fight
20.06.2021-pastorcho-roemer10_9-13.mp3 - Whoever will can on the name of the Lord will be saved.
13.06.2021-pastorcho-2korinther12_7-10.mp3 - Each person has its own sharp thorn in the flesh
06.06.2021-pastorcho-ephesians4_25-32.mp3 - What is the life that the holy spirit rejoices?
23.05.2021-pastorcho-apg2_1-13.mp3 - The Holy Spirit is the true power
16.05.2021-pastorcho-johannes3_16-21.mp3 - Hold fast to faith in Jesus
09.05.2021-pastorcho-mathew20_25-28.mp3 - Jesus came to serve and give his life
02.05.2021-pastorcho-1korinther1_18-25.mp3 - The message of Cross
25.04.2021-chipo-psalm77_10-20.mp3 - I will remember the works of the Lord
18.04.2021-pastorcho-2mose12_1-14.mp3 - The Dying of the Firstborn and the Passover
11.04.2021-pastorcho-roemer6_1-13.mp3 - Believer become one with Christ
04.04.2021-pastorcho-johannes20_11-18.mp3 - Witnesses of the resurrection of Christ
28.03.2021-pastorcho-jesaja53_1-12.mp3 - Christ suffer and His blood
14.03.2021-pastorcho-1_korinther9_16-23.mp3 - For woe is me if i do not preach the Gospel!
21.02.2021-pastorcho-johannes1_35-42.mp3 - Followers of Jesus
07.02.2021-pastorcho-2chronik20_13-15.mp3 - Give thanks to the Lord, for his mercy endures forever
17.01.2021-isaak-pred9_11.mp3 - Jesus our destiny
10.01.2021-pastorcho-kolosser3_1-4.mp3 - How should we as Christians live?
27.12.2020-pastorcho-jesaja9_5-7.mp3 - Jesus is our only King
01.11.2020-pastorcho-luke22_14-20.mp3 - The command of Jesus
11.10.2020-pastorcho-john6_37-40.mp3 - All people the the father gave me will come to me
04.10.2020-pastorcho-romans8_1-6.mp3 - The law of the Spirit of God
27.09.2020-josiah.mp3 - Kingdom of God
20.09.2020-pastorcho-mark4_35-41.mp3 - Jesus above wind and waves
13.09.2020-pastorcho-romans3_23-31.mp3 - Our redemption through the atonement of Christ
06.09.2020-pastorcho-genesis3_1-15.mp3 - The descendent of the Woman
30.08.2020-martin-1corinthian12_12-25.mp3 - Be part of the whole
23.08.2020-pastorcho-mattheus7_24-27.mp3 - A sturdy house of life.
16.08.2020-pastorcho-chronic20_1-4.mp3 - How can I solve my problems?
09.08.2020-pastorcho-2chronicles20_1-4.mp3 - How can I solve my problems?
02.08.2020-pastorcho-john6_66-69.mp3 - To whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life
19.07.2020-pastorcho-galatians3_1-5.mp3 - How to receive the holy spirit
28.06.2020-sebastien_ecclesiastes3_1-8.mp3 - Use the time of God
21.06.2020-pastorcho_matthew6_9-13.mp3 - Our father in heaven!
14.06.2020-pastorcho-1timothy6_11-16.mp3 - Fight the good fight of faith
07.06.2020-pastorcho-matthew19_16-22.mp3 - We're missing what's most important
31.05.2020-isaak.mp3 - Biblical baptism in the spirit
24.05.2020-pastorcho_john14_1-7.mp3 - Jesus prepares everthing for us
17.05.2020-pastorcho-thessalonians5_23-24.mp3 - May God fill you with his peace
10.05.2020-pastorcho-john6_1-15.mp3 - Feeding the five thousand
Worship - Du bist gut, Here I am again, Mittelpunkt, Way Maker
Worship - Du bist gut, Here I am again, Mittelpunkt, Way Maker
Sermon - Pastor Cho - John 11 - The life and resurrection of Jesus Christ
Worship - Nothing is Impossible, Herr Dein Name Sei Erhöht, Du bist der Höchste, The Blessing
Worship - Nothing is Impossible, Herr Dein Name Sei Erhöht, Du bist der Höchste, The Blessing
Sermon - Pastor Cho - Isaiah 12,1-6
A warning against Hypocrisy - 01.03.2020-pastorcho-mathew23_1-12.mp3
Confessing the faith - 16.02.2020-pastorcho-romans10_9-13.mp3
The blood-like sweat of Jesus - 09.02.2020-pastorcho-luke22_39-44.mp3
The tears of Jesus - 02.02.2020-pastorcho-hebrews5_7.mp3
Spirit of fear vs spirit of God - 26.01.2020_-_pastorfranz_1timothy_1_3-11.mp3
The sacrifice of lsaac - 19.01.2020_-_pastorcho_genesis22_1-2.mp3
Change your relationship with GOD - 12.01.2020_-_pastorcho_romans12_1-2.mp3
Always there - 08.12.2019_-_pastorkim_daniel3_8-18.mp3
Be filled with the love of God - 10.11.2019_-_pastorcho_1johannes4_16-19.mp3
Walk with Jesus - 03.11.2019_-_pastorcho_johannes1_35-51.mp3
Four fruits of faith - 13.10.2019_-_pastorcho_romans_5_1-5.mp3
Pastor Ricardo Wolf - 29.09.2019_-_pastorricardo.mp3
What is stopping me from getting baptized? - 22.09.2019_-_pastorcho_apg8_26-40.mp3
Take on the new life - 15.09.2019_-_pastorcho_epheser4_20-24.mp3
Overcome the world through Jesus Christ - 08.09.2019_-_pastorcho_roemer8_31-39.mp3
01.09.2019 - Pastor Cho - 01.09.2019_-_pastorcho.mp3
Jesus criticized the scribes and pharisees - 25.08.2019_-_pastorcho_matthaeus23_1-12.mp3
Deserved or grace? - 04.08.2019_-_pastorcho_matthaeus20_1-16.mp3
It's me, Don't be afraid! - 28.07.2019_-_pastorcho_johannes6_16-21.mp3
21.07.2019 - Pastor Cho - God's anger about injustice - 21.07.2019_-_pastorcho_romans_1-21-32.mp3
14.07.2019 - Pastor Cho - Following Jesus - 14.07.2019_-_pastorcho_matthew8_18-23.mp3
30.06.2019 - Pastor Daniel - Jonah - 30.06.2019_-_pastordaniel.mp3
23.06.2019 - Pastor Cho - The true blessedness - 23.06.2019_-_pastorcho_-_roemer4_1-8.mp3
16.06.2019 - Pastor Cho - God's sovereignty and his grace - 16.06.2019_-_pastorcho_-_roemer9_19-23.mp3
09.06.2019 - Pastor Cho - We should pray to God with one accord like the first Christians - 09.06.2019_-_pastorcho_agp423-31.mp3
26.05.2019 - Pastor Solomon - Faith - 26.05.2019_-_pastorsolomon_roemer1_17.mp3
19.05.2019 - Pastor Cho - The core of the Gospel - 19.05.2019_-_pastorcho_roemer4_17-25.mp3
12.05.2019 - Pastor Cho - Man does not live by bread alone - 12.05.2019-pastorcho_lukas4_1-4.mp3
05.05.2019 - Pastor Cho - Strengthen our faith - 05.05.2019_-_pastorcho_lukas17_5-6.mp3
28.04.2019 - Pastor Wui - Luke 4,18-23 - 28.04.2019_-_pastorwui_lukas4_18-23.mp3
14.04.2019 - Pasto Cho - Mathew 26,26-30 - 14.04.2019_-_pastorcho_matthaeus_26_26-30.mp3
07.04.2019 - Pastor Cho - John 18, 1-9 - 07.04.2019_-_pastorcho_-_johannes18_1-9.mp3
31.03.2019 - Isaak - Gottes Mission für Sie - 31.03.2019_-_isaak_gottes_mission_für_sie.mp3
24.03.2019 - Pastor Cho - Mathew 1 - 24.03.2019_pastorcho_matthaeus1.mp3
10.03.2019 - Pastor Cho - John 6, 67-69 - 10.03.2019_-_pastorcho_johannes_667-69.mp3
03.03.2019 - The Church on the Road - Testimony - 03.03.2019-the_church_on_the_road.mp3
17.02.2019 - Pastor Cho - The two sides of the new life - Romans 1,1-8 - 17.02.2018_-_pastor_Cho.mp3
10.02.2019 - Pastor Cho - Christ took our punishment upon Himself - Romans 3,23-28 - 10.02.2019_-_pastorcho.mp3
Date |
Thema |
Verse |
Script |
Audio |
28.10.2018 |
Pastor Herbert |
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21.10.2018 |
Pastor David |
Psalm121 |
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14.10.2018 |
Was sagt die Bibel über Bluttransfusion... - Isaak |
Off. 18:10-13 |
07.10.2018 |
Die Trinität Gottes - Isaak |
Jo. 13:20 |
30.09.2018 |
Die Trinität des Menschen - Isaak |
1. Th.5:23 |
23.09.2018 |
Hast du den Heiligen Geist empfangen..? - Isaak |
Ap. 19:2 |
16.09.2018 |
3 Änderungen... In Christus - Pastor Herbert |
Romans 8 |
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02.09.2018 |
Buße zur Vorbereitung auf Jesus - Pastor Younglai Cho |
Matthew 3:1-10 |
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08.07.2018 |
Pastor Younglai Cho |
2 Corinthians 4:5 |
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27.05.2018 |
Pastor Ahn |
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20.05.2018 |
Seid vom Heiligen Geist erfuellt und betet um Kraft - Pastor Younglai Cho |
Acts 4:23-31 |
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13.05.2018 |
Amazing - Pastor Gihwang Sihn |
Revelation 7:9-10 |
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27.04.2018 |
Das Leben als Christen - Pastor Younglai Cho |
Galatians 5:16-19 |
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22.04.2018 |
Adam oder Christus? - Pastor Younglai Cho |
Romans 5:12-21 |
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15.04.2018 |
Gnadenjahr des Herrn - Pastor Younglai Cho |
Isaiah 61,1-3 |
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25.03.2018 |
Open Doors - Matthias Scheiter |
Lukas 19,28-44 |
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