We are a Chemnitz, Germany based group of young Christians brought together by our love for Christ and our love for music.
We are the Vessels because God has called us to be used as His messengers and instruments to share the love, power and salvation of Jesus Christ.
We are the Light of Nations because God has called us from different nations across the globe to share the light of His name to the ends of the Earth.
God has given us the mission to use the talents He has given us to glorify Him by sharing our heart of worship with the World.
We are the Vessels because God has called us to be used as His messengers and instruments to share the love, power and salvation of Jesus Christ.
We are the Light of Nations because God has called us from different nations across the globe to share the light of His name to the ends of the Earth.
God has given us the mission to use the talents He has given us to glorify Him by sharing our heart of worship with the World.